Sans Souci Signage
Due to its organic development, the boundaries of Sans Souci are difficult to define. Without clear boundaries, it is hard to establish a sense of place.
A signage system for the neighborhood will define a Sense of Place in Sans Souci. Gateway and Wayfinding Signage placed at strategic locations would create a number of benefits: neighborhood signs create landmarks which can unify neighbors, and signage promotes the neighborhood to outsiders and calms traffic by identifying the neighborhood as a residential zone. An integrated logo system will be employed so that these various neighborhood signs can be distinguished for their various purposes while also being unified by recognizable elements within the logo. The spur trail signage will be integrated with the Swamp Rabbit Trail’s signage system.
Because the trail spur is on hold, Greenville County Councilman Willis Meadows has gotten approval for Sans Souci to use the money previously approved for the spur on wayfinding signage instead. Greenville County Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism is partnering to place a three-sided information kiosk in the vicinity of Old Buncombe Road and Gridley Street. Final details are to be worked out, but the idea is to use Gridley to Verner Springs as a formal pathway from the neighborhood center to Verner Springs Park and the GHS Swamp Rabbit Trail.